(Official gazette of the Republic of Serbia, 9/2015-3, 84/2015-63, 109/2015-5, 16/2016-27, 82/2016-12, 5/2017-32, 92/2017-45, 29/2018-14).
The Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Amendment to the Decision on establishing a program for employees redundancy in the process of privatization for 2015, 2016. and 2017. The decision was adopted at the government session held on the 12th April 2018, and entered into force on the 20th April 2018.
The most important changes of the Decision is contained in the part relating to the methods of redundancy. The severance pay is set as the amount of the sum of one-third of the employee’s salary for each full year of employment, at the employer who is entitled to severance pay, provided that the total severance pay can not exceed 8.000 euros in dinar equivalent, at the middle exchange rate, on the delivery day of lists of redundant workers by the employer. Essentially, the other amendments only prolong the validity of the current rules established by the Decision.
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